The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Hierarchical Open Data Source Import for the JValue ODS

Abstract: Open Data has become more popular in the last few years due to its value to society. Governments, institutions, companies or individuals can make use of Open Data and add to economic growth or extract new knowledge from publicly available data. The Open Data Service (ODS) is a software developed by the Professorship of Open Source that aims to simplify the consumption of Open Data and make it more reliable.

The goal of this thesis is to extend the functionality of the ODS by the support of hierarchically structured data sources, in particular, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) based data sources. Due to the simplicity and reliability of the FTP, it is an appropriate solution for providing Open Data. This thesis aims to enable the user to explore and configure FTP data sources by developing a new microservice with a proof-of-concept user interface. As a result, consuming Open Data from FTP data sources is simplified and becomes more flexible.

Keywords: Open data, FTP, JValue ODS, microservices

PDF: Master Thesis

Reference: Benjamin Fischer. Hierarchical Open Data Source Import for the JValue ODS. Master Thesis. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2021.


