This project is one of the MADE Summer 2023 Projects implemented by our students. We run these projects every semester, please be in touch if you are interested in participating!
Author: Sagni Majumdar
Abstract: Münster, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, is the home to an estimated 500,000 bicycles. It is famous for its bike-friendly streets and is hence popularly known as the “Bicycle capital of Germany”. We see an increase in the bicycle traffic in Münster in recent years. Separately, we see an increase in the rate of total accident rates in Germany as well. This gives rise to the following questions:
What is the inference from Bicycle counting stations in Münster? Does the number of Bicycles increase from 2020 to 2021?
- What is the change of accident rate across Germany? Has the accident rate increased or decreased from 2020 to 2021?
- What is the change of accident rate across Münster? Has the accident rate increased or decreased from 2020 to 2021?
This project aims to draw a connection between the count of available cycle counting stations in two major locations in Münster with the road accidents in Münster, as well as road accidents in Germany. The data are collected from the following data sources:
- Data source 1: Mobilithek, Data of bicycle counting stations in the city of Münster
- Data source 2: Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Road Accident Data in Germany
- Data source 3: Münster Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen, Road Accident Data in Münster

Further Project Details:
- Report:
- Slides:
- Repository:
Reference: Sagni Majumdar. Correlation between rates of accidents in Germany and Münster with respect to bicycle count in Münster. MADE SS2023. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2023.