The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Open HiWi Positions: Language Design, Web Development, UX, & DevOps

The JValue Team (working on a Data Engineering Language) are hiring student research and development assistants in one or more of the following areas:

  • Design and implementation a DSL for data engineering (domain specific language design, TypeScript, Langium)
  • Web development (NodeJS, React, TypeScript)
  • UX design and implementation (storybook.js, React)
  • DevOps (Kubernetes, Docker)
  • SEO

Your profile:

  • Bachelor or Master student at FAU (CS, IIS, …)
  • First experiences in software development
    • Optimally, experience in TypeScript / JavaScript
  • Strong problem solving skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team
  • Ability to autonomously drive a topic

Perks and Benefits:

  • meaningful goals: improve open data, contribute to open source software
  • cutting-edge technologies: TypeScript, Docker, Kubernetes
  • flexible working conditions: 10-20 h/week, remote-first, flexible workload
  • collaborative team: work together with other students
  • growth opportunities: thematic variety from web app development, over DSL design, to DevOps

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