The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Applying Event-Driven Architecture to the JValue ODS

Abstract: In a world of “Big Data” and data transparency “open data” might not be considered as an unknown term anymore. As the name suggests, it describes data, that is commonly available and free to use for everyone.

The vision of the software “JValue Open Data Service (ODS)” is to provide a solid solution for the community to achieve data availability and homogeneity in representation, regarding open data. With the provision of a user interface to configure the way open data is extracted and how it is presented, ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) processes are exceedingly facilitated.

The challenges of scaling large for a platform, based on a service-orientated architecture, demand a solution that can handle a large set of interactions. The purpose of this thesis is to apply an “Event-Driven Architecture” to the already existing model of the software to fulfill these requirements and furthermore, avoid the bottlenecks caused by the central orchestration of the former structure. This is done by reevaluating the current software design that is composed of distributed microservices and identify events of its current architecture with a technique, called “Event-Storming”. The results lead to an architecture design that will be implemented in the solution of “JValue ODS” and finally evaluated.

PDF: Bachelor Thesis

Reference: Hannes Fleischer. Applying Event-Driven Architecture to the JValue ODS. Bachelor Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2020


