The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Evaluation of Open Data Using the Example of a Public Transport Navigation Website

Abstract: This thesis deals with the implementation of an open source trip planner for the public transport association VGN, the results of which take into account both parking the bicycle at a stop and taking the bicycle on public transport until the destination. In principle, software already exists that enables multimodal navigation with public transport, and the timetable and road data sets required for this are freely available for many regions. For the VGN, however, there is no trip planner yet that prioritizes bicycle-assisted navigation with public transit. During the implementation of such a project, the difficulties that arise when integrating open data sources were investigated. Even though there are limitations due to poor quality of and missing information in the data sources, it was achieved to develop a trip planner that suggests bicycle-assisted journeys, which are often faster and involve fewer transfers. In addition, the software solution allows for easy configuration and reuse in other regions. While the open source components used offer several possibilities to further improve the trip planner in the future (e.g., by integrating rental bicycles), data sets covering these aspects are currently missing.

Keywords: Open data, open transport, multimodal navigation, open source

PDF: Bachelor Thesis

Reference: Daniel Langbein. Evaluation of Open Data Using the Example of a Public Transport Navigation Website. Bachelor Thesis. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2023.


