The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Tag: Open Source

  • Final Thesis: Token-based Authentication and Authorization in Microservices

    Abstract: Microservices represent an architectural approach that is gaining more and more importance to realize highly scalable, reliable and maintainable systems within an agile development process. The advantages of microservice architecture are accompanied by the challenge of designing a distributed system. In such a distributed system, authorization and authentication pose a particular problem. This is…

  • Final Thesis: Evaluation of Open Data Using the Example of a Public Transport Navigation Website

    Abstract: This thesis deals with the implementation of an open source trip planner for the public transport association VGN, the results of which take into account both parking the bicycle at a stop and taking the bicycle on public transport until the destination. In principle, software already exists that enables multimodal navigation with public transport,…

  • Final Thesis: Development of a Microservice for Open Weather Data

    Abstract: Since mid 2017 the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) has been obligated to provide its weather data to the public for free. However, anyone who wants to access it needs to click through a file system hoping to still be on the right path to the desired weather data. Due to confusing folder names this turns into…

  • Final Thesis: Migration the JValue ODS to Microservices

    Abstract: “A world in which consuming open data is easy and safe.“ This is the vision of the JValue Open Data Service (ODS) that aims to bundle finding the right open data, using and combining it into an easy and intuitive process. The daily life of developers should be free from hardships, like writing data crawlers…

  • Final Thesis: Implementation of a Web-UI for a Guided Configuration Workflow

    Abstract: Open Data has a huge potential, but due to its often poor quality and inconsistency most of this data can’t be used, at least not without a lot of effort. Here the Open Data Service is bringing remedy, because this tool can homogenize such data structures. Still, because the data has such great variety, the complexity…

  • Final Thesis: Design and Implementation of a RESTful API for Heterogeneous Data (in German)

    Abstract: Public institutions produce large amounts of publicly available data. Still, due to its poor quality and inconsistent structure, the potential of this data remains unused for the most part. The JValue Open Data Service was established to enhance the quality of this data and give it a standardized structure. It is supposed to make the…