The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Design and Implementation of Parameterizable Data Import for the JValue ODS

Abstract: Governments have recognized that the publication of open data is of great economic and social value. Collecting and using this data is challenging because it is not always available in an easy to process format. Minimizing these challenges is the task of the JValue Open Data Service (ODS), a system that makes data consumption easy. Yet the location of a resource and the time of a data import is statically defined.

This thesis presents a concept how the ODS can be extended by parameterizable datasources and how the data import can be triggered manually. This addresses the challenge of rapidly changing data on the Internet and adapts the ODS in order to deal with the emerging problems. With parameterizable datasources it is viable to dynamically describe the location of resources. The possibility for manual data imports ensures that data is only retrieved when it is really needed. The design decisions and the implementation of these functionalities for the ODS are covered in this thesis.

Keywords: open data; etl; JValue ODS; RESTful APIs

PDF: Bachelor Thesis

Reference: Jens Wächtler. Design and Implementation of Parameterizable Data Import for the JValue ODS. Bachelor Thesis. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2020.


