The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Design and Implementation of a RESTful API for Heterogeneous Data (in German)

Abstract: Public institutions produce large amounts of publicly available data. Still, due to its poor quality and inconsistent structure, the potential of this data remains unused for the most part. The JValue Open Data Service was established to enhance the quality of this data and give it a standardized structure. It is supposed to make the potential of open data more accessible to the public by exposing it via a simple, comprehensible and scalable API. The current most popular approach for the design of such high quality APIs is the architectural style called “REST”. The existing API of the open data service has been designed as a RESTful API but does not meet the standards of the architectural style. The present thesis aims at creating a new API that fulfills all requirements that are needed to be genuinely RESTful. For this purpose, I carried out a closer analysis of the REST paradiga, as presented by its inventor Roy Fielding. With this conceptual background, a truly RESTful API was designed and implemented to help realizing the full potential of open data.

Keywords: Open source, open data, open data service, JValue ODS

PDF: Bachelor Thesis

Reference: Mathias Zinnen. Design und Implementierung einer RESTful API für Heterogene Daten. Bachelor Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2018.