The JValue Project

Open data, easy and social

Final Thesis: Development of a Microservice for Open Weather Data

Abstract: Since mid 2017 the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) has been obligated to provide its weather data to the public for free. However, anyone who wants to access it needs to click through a file system hoping to still be on the right path to the desired weather data. Due to confusing folder names this turns into a frustrating experience very quickly. The data then comes in various formats, making it hard to automatically process it.

In order to stop this hassle, we present a microservice that adapts weather data from the DWD server to a more user friendly REST interface. This thesis describes the architecture and implementation of the microservice. As a result, users can fetch historical, current and forecast weather data of twenty different weather parameters in an easy to process JSON format.

Keywords: Open source, open data, open data service, JValue ODS, DWD, weather

PDF: Master Thesis

Reference: Daniel Vahle. Development of a Microservice for Open Weather Data . Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2019.